Common Name: Tiger Leg Tree Frog, Tiger Leg Monkey Tree Frog, Maki Frog, Tiger Striped Leaf Frog, Barred Monkey Frog
Scientific Name: Phyllomedusa Tomopterna
Description: The dorsal color, including the sides of the face, the shoulders, and the dorsal surfaces of the limbs, is a bright green. The throat and chest are white, and the belly is orangish. The flanks and hidden surfaces of the limbs, upper arms, fingers, and toes are variably orange with strong purple-brown vertical barring. Males have a nonconvex snout that slopes in a straight line from the nostrils to the upper lip; the snout of the female is seen to be convex in profile.
Range: Widely through much of tropical South America. Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela
Habitat: These frogs, like other members of the genus, live high up in the canopy of the South American rainforest. This species of frog is arboreal and they will only come to the ground for mating and breeding.
Life Span: About three to five years.
Size: Females attain a length of about 3 inches and males about 2 1/2 inches.
Call: The vocalization is a chucking note with little carrying power.
Breeding: Forest frog that breeds in newly freshened swamps, temporary pools, and even cavities in logs, and ponds isolated from streams. Between December and May. Breeding takes place like that of red-eyes. They amplex while in a rain chamber and eggs shortly follow.
Egg Clutch: Clutches contain about 70 unpigmented eggs in a gelatinous mass that are deposited in leaf nests over ponds which they fold up to a nice funnel. The edges are sealed by a special secretion. Tadpoles fall into the water after hatching, where they develop until metamorphosis.
Sleep Cycle: Nocturnal
Feeding: They will eat half sized crickets, larger fruit flies, small wax worms, etc. The food should be dusted with a mineral supplement about every 10 days.
Care: Live plants with the leaves should be large and strong enough to hold the frogs’ weight. Regular access to clean, fresh water is a must.
Terrarium: Tropical, Humid. It is better to have a tall tank so that you can put tall leafy plants in so they can climb and hide under. Plants which are suitable for tropical temperature and humidity such as Ferns, Bromeliads and other plants.
Lighting: A full-spectrum fluorescent bulb and a 12-hour light-dark schedule.
Temperature: The temperature should be kept around 77*F with a slight drop at night. A regular bulb or heat bulb can achieve those temperatures. The watt depends on the size of tank.
Humidity: Humidity should be kept around 70-80%
Discussion: The Tiger Leg Tree Frog (Phyllomedusa Tomopterna) very similar to the Oranged-Legged Tree Frog (Phyllomedusa Hypocondrialis).
1 comment:
Are these frogs poisonous?
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